
the poor juniors, sophs, and frosh. We were, bigger, more experienced, more mature, more important, etc, and we were about to prove all this by going on to bigger things. Thus the lofty senior.

Those FPs who begin to suffer from this "Senior Class Complex" are those who begin to imagine them- selves as graduating from this mixed up half and half land of a dual personality, of living a masculine role part of the time and a feminine one part of the time. They persuade themselves that they are more developed than the rest and that they should prove it by going on the rest of the way and have sex change surgery. To "graduate", that is, from the ranks of the ordinary run-of-the-mill FP. To get their diploma (though in this case "giving" their diploma of manhood would seem to be more appropriate) they go to Casablanca or else- where. While this route is the only one leading to sanity and happiness for a very few, this is not so for the big majority in my opinion. That so many of them become sexually promiscuous is a measure of their continuing restless and unsatisfied condition. So while I am not against sex change surgery in principle I be- lieve that it is indicated only rarely among those who clamour for it.

So what to do about it? As an advocate of modera- tion in all things I think it is timely to say some- thing for the other side, for masculinity. Our efforts and interests both personally and through publications like TRANSVESTIA and organizations like PHI PI EPSILON have been centered n helping TVs to recognize and to accept "the girl within". This of course is the big problem with all of us in the beginning, but as it be- gins to resolve itself and we do accept "her" and live her with more tranquility and enjoyment and less fear and shame we begin to need a little counter balancing. Some are able to provide this themselves others may not be able to, and still others may not even recognize the need to do so. Thus the title of this column, "something for the boys"---meaning a few well chosen words about the boy within us too.

I have personally had the experience, now that Virginia lives as much as she does and gets about everywhere, of having people who know me as Virginia